Treatment and Services

Andrology Services

The Andrology laboratory at OVA IVF & RHC is a specialist laboratory providing diagnosis and treatment of the infertile male partners.

The laboratory’s main function is to provide diagnostic.

1. Semen Analysis
2. Semen Assessment
3. Reactive Oxygen Species Test (ROS)
4. Sperm DNA Fragmentation
5. Diagnostic testicular biopsy or aspiration
6. Sperm Cryopreservation (Freezing)

serving both the needs of OVA IVF & RHC and our patients and to General Practitioners in OVA IVF & RHC and the wider surrounding region.
Please call +92-321-1295353 (Lahore Center) with any queries regarding Andrology.

Opening hours:

Appointments are available to those who are having a semen analysis between the hours of 9AM and 9PM Monday to Saturday. Out of hours cover is only provided for urgent sperm analysis referrals.

IUI – Intrauterine Insemination

The introduction of the sperm sample into the uterine cavity may be performed to increase the ­­­number of sperm in the upper genital tract.  In certain individuals this may increase the likelihood of conception.  IUI bypasses cervical and vaginal factors preventing sperm entry into the uterus.  In cases with borderline semen parameters, we are able to compensate for male factor infertility.

In order to introduce the sperm into the uterine cavity the semen has to be treated to remove chemicals in the liquid portion of the semen which may cause irritation of the uterus.  The washing procedure takes about 2 hours.  Sperm samples are most often collected in the clinic to assure a prompt delivery to the lab.  Once in the lab, the specimen will be allowed to liquefy.  Different types of special liquids called sperm wash or speedikit media are used to rinse the debris and chemicals from the semen.  The concentrated mixture that remains is made mostly of sperm.  Gradient washes are often done to improve the concentration and selection of motile sperm.  The washed sperm is now safe and ready for insertion into the uterus.

The insemination is a relatively simple procedure which can be accomplished in the clinic without anesthesia.  A small plastic catheter (tube) is used to insert the specimen into the uterine cavity through the cervix.  A small amount of leakage and/or spotting may occur after the procedure.  This does not reduce the effectiveness of the technique.  Once the procedure is completed there is no limitation of activity.  There is no benefit from lying flat after the IUI procedure despite common myths.

The procedure is done only once per cycle because the time of ovulation can be accurately predicted and the insemination can be timed to coincide with the release of the eggs.  Once inside the uterus, the sperm will rapidly disperse throughout the reproductive tract.  Surface tension and motion from the fallopian tubes help with this process.



IVF – In Vitro Fertilization or ICSI – Intracytoplasmic Single Sperm Insemination

Intracytoplasmic Single Sperm Insemination is a procedure involving the stimulation of multiple eggs using medications, called GNRH (IVF-M, IVF-C, Follitrope), that are similar to natural hormones (FSH) that cause eggs to grow.  The growing follicles each contain 1 egg and are monitored using ultrasound exams.  When the follicles reach the appropriate size, they are retrieved, or harvested, at the appropriate time.  After the eggs are collected, they are combined with the sperm in a dish (conventional insemination called IVF), or the sperm is directly injected into the sperm (ICSI, or intracytoplasmic sperm injection).  After fertilization in the lab, the resulting embryos are grown (cultured) for 5 to 6 days.  The embryos may be transferred at this point or frozen for use at a later time.



Cryopreservation- Vitrification

FET - Frozen Embryo Transfer

FET – Frozen Embryo Transfer has been demonstrated that the stimulation of multiple eggs during the IVF process can cause the uterine lining to become less favorable for transfer.  By freezing all of the embryos and transferring them later using a process called a frozen embryo transfer, or FET, the pregnancy rates can be significantly higher.

Sperm Freezing

Sperm Freezing is most successful method of preserving Male’s fertility so he can try and have children at a later date [HFEA]. Firstly, your sperms need to be tested for any infectious diseases, followed by a written detailed consent to your sperm being stored and how long the duration of storage is.