Success Rates & Success Stories

With centers in Karachi, Lahore and Peshawar, OVA IVF & RHC is available to help couples throughout the country.

At OVA IVF & RHC we do not restrict services to those couples most likely to boost our success rates. We give hope to every couple who is seeking treatment. We are dedicated to providing couples with all of the tools available to aid them in fulfilling their dreams of parenthood. Depending on your personal medical history, your chances of success may be lower or higher.

At OVA IVF & RHC, we have been able to achieve success rates comparable to international standards. Our most of the patients have fallen pregnant and are safely undergoing their terms.

We want to help you conceive and have a healthy baby and we know one of the most important things you’ll be looking at from a fertility clinic is their success rates and what other people’s experiences have been. We’re delighted to share our success rates.

Our success rates

There are a number of ways to define your chance of a successful treatment outcome. Some websites present results that indicate your chance of achieving a positive pregnancy test or your chance of achieving a pregnancy that is confirmed at a 7 week scan (a clinical pregnancy). Although these results are important, we at OVA IVF & RHC would like to present data on our live birth rates. This means the results we will publish are for patients that have delivered a baby.

Measuring your chance of successful treatment.

There are also a number of ways to measure your chance of successful treatment. Depending on your physiological status as a couple, we can calculate and assess the likelihood of you getting pregnant. We can also assess the likelihood of each individual embryo leading to the birth of a baby (live births per embryo transferred) or how likely you are to take home a baby after your treatment cycle has started (live births per cycle started).

How many embryos should I have transferred?

The single biggest risk of fertility treatment is multiple pregnancies. At OVA IVF & RHC we aim to transfer embryos one at a time in all cases where the risk of a multiple pregnancy is high. By carefully considering this with the patients, we are able to keep our multiple pregnancy rates as low as possible without compromising the chances of success. The birth of a single, healthy baby is the safest outcome for everyone concerned.

Should I transfer Embryos or Freeze?

Our specialists will closely monitor your post-OPU condition and based on the carefully assessed vitals we would advise you to either opt for fresh or frozen embryo transfer. Frozen embryo transfer has been found to have slightly more success rates as compared to fresh transfer.

Elective Single Embryo Transfer (eSET)

The success of an IVF cycle greatly depends upon the number of fine quality embryos transferred. One of the approach to select the best performing embryos is Elective single-embryo transfer (eSET). eSET offers prospective parents the best chance at reducing multiple pregnancies during In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF). The eSET procedure is performed on an elective basis often when multiple embryos are available. eSET is one of the many options we offer at OVA IVF & RHC to help create a customized fertility treatment plan for each and every patient.

Looking for more information?

Contact OVA IVF & RHC today to learn more about all of the treatment options available to you
